// var hasID = '';
var MENU_LIST = [
[ 'Guidance',
[ 'Hello!', 'PagePlayer/greeting.php', '', 'It is greeting from LLIO.' ],
[ 'Map', 'PagePlayer/sitemap.html', 'PHP/LinkList.php', 'Here.
it introduces each room.' ],
[ 'Career', 'PagePlayer/announcement.php', '', 'Career of Renju Globe.' ],
[ 'Link', 'PagePlayer/link.php', '', 'This is link for friendship.' ],
[ 'How to use RDFA', 'http://works28.renju.info/CommonPHP/callPage/HowToRDFA.php?AREA=GLB&LANGUAGE=ENG#DirectJump', 'CommonPHP/callPage/HowToRDFA.php', '♠ RDFA is the board system in LLIO Renju class. You must know about this system when you use this website.' ]
[ 'Exchange',
[ 'Board Image Maker', 'http://works28.renju.info/RSFP/imageMakerByRSFP.php?LANGUAGE=ENG#DirectJump', 'RSFP/imageMakerByRSFP.php', '♠ This is Renju Board image maker.' ],
[ 'BBS', 'http://works28.renju.info/SLS/SLS.php?AREA=GLB&GENRE=Diary&LNG=ENG#TOPICS', 'SLS_GLB_Diary', '♠ This is forum about LLIO Renju Globe. If you have an idea or an opinion, please write it here.' ],
[ 'Proofread', 'http://works28.renju.info/SLS/SLS.php?AREA=GLB&GENRE=Proofread&LNG=ENG#TOPICS', 'SLS_GLB_Proofread', '♠ When you find incorrect sentence in this website, please tell me them in this BBS.' ]
[ 'Login', 'http://works28.renju.info/Login/Login.cgi?GENRE=Login&AREA=globe28&LANGUAGE=ENG', '', 'You can use some pages in this website, after login.' ],
[ 'Playing',
[ 'Score Player', 'http://works28.renju.info/ScorePlayer/ScorePlayer.php?AREA=GLB&LNG=ENG#DirectJump', 'ScorePlayer/ScorePlayer.php', '♠ This is Renju Board by RDFA.' ],
[ 'Study',
[ 'Analysis Rules', 'PageStudy/AnalysisNewRules.php', '', '♠ This is Japanese analysis about "new Renju rules in the future".' ],
[ 'Sakata', 'PageStudy/Sakata/SakataMenu.php' ],
[ '2 swap', 'PageStudy/2swap/2swapMenu.php' ],
['5 swap', 'PageStudy/5swap/5swapMenu.php' ],
[ 'Yamaguchi', 'PageStudy/Yamaguchi/YamaguchiMenu.php' ],
[ 'Yusui', 'PageStudy/Yusui/YusuiMenu.php' ],
[ 'YY5', 'PageStudy/Yusui/YusuiMenu3.php' ],
[ 'Yamaguchi Extended', 'PageStudy/Yamaguchi/YamaguchiExtended.php' ]